Advantages & Disadvantages of Android


Google Android is an "open source software" and a competitive operating system which is taking over other leading systems.
There are many advantages with Android having Google OS , it will be open to other "new players" . Thease new players will be small and will lack "financial muscle" to be able to sell to other "wireless carriers"."The consumer will benefit from having a wide range of mobile applications to choose from since the monopoly will be broken by Google Android".This is depending on the user, many will be able to customize via the "Google Android Platform", many details will be able to be adapted including;"weather details, opening screen, live RSS feeds". With numerous phones "Carrying Google Android" many buisnesses willbecome aware of the possibillites and information.Android, also allows Installation of "Custom ROMs": Within the users Android has gathered a small amount of users who are "dedicated to building custom ROMs" for the devices

More Advantages
- Android Does Google and Social Integration
- Android Lets You Change Your Settings Faster
- Android Lets You Choose Your Carrier
- Android Gives You More Options to Fit Your Budget
- Android Gives You Better Notifications
- Android Has a Better App Market:
- Updated user interface design
- Support for extra-large screen sizes and resolutions
- System-wide copy and paste functionalities
- Redesigned multi-touch software keyboard
- Audio, graphical, and input enhancements for game developers
- Improved power management and application control
- Support for multiple cameras
Android has just updated there software recently on the 6th December 2010 this included improvements on.


However, Google Android is likely to experience some problems as well. These problems might include:

Chaos Ecological System
Due to the fact that the Android OS is an "open source" it makes the OS to be vurable to hacking and if the system is hack it would lead to serious security measures of locking the devices, which would be a sham.

Google Android OS is more than likely to experience issues. This might include "Rejection of Google Android" by those in which "charge for some web based applications" which in controversy, Android allow Hanset holders access to for free.

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