DLNA certification means Motorola DROID 4 is closer to launch

Still unannounced, the Motorola DROID 4 moved one step closer to launch when the phone received its DLNA certification. Now that we know that users of the handset can share digital pictures, music and video, we can sit back, relax, and wait for some official word about when the model will be available, and for what price. Current speculation has the Motorola DROID 4 getting displayed next week during the 2012 CES festivities in Las Vegas, with a launch on February 2nd. With the recent pricing structure at Verizon, a $299.99 contract price seems like a good bet.

The Motorola DROID 4 will be the manufacturer's first dual-core, LTE enabled phone with a side-sliding physical QWERTY keyboard. If it launches in February, it will have hit the market just 7 months after the release of the Motorola DROID 3, which is about to be designated EOL by Verizon according to rumors. While not one word confirming that the device exists has been spoken by either Motorola or Verizon officials, pictures of the device have appeared on the DROIDDOES website, and cases for the phone have been already shipped to some retailers.

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