HealthTap Express MD

HealthTap is the best way for U.S.-licensed physicians to connect with new and existing patients. Leading physicians can save time and money, improve the quality of care, answer patient questions, and build their online reputations in a free 'Virtual Practice' provided by HealthTap.


✓ Find New Patients
Connect with new patients using your expertise, and translate online conversations into real-world appointments.

✓ Expand Your Reputation
Effortlessly build a Virtual Practice and your social media presence, by simply doing what you do best — answering patient questions.

✓ Receive Recognition
Get real-time 'Thanks' from patients and 'Agrees' from colleagues, and build a world-class reputation that's visible to everyone anytime, anywhere.

✓ Save Time
Reduce repetitive work by creating a dynamic, accessible resource with your answers to the most frequently asked questions you receive, and the tips you provide most often.

✓ Do Good
Improve the quality of care for your patients by making your wisdom accessible beyond doctor visits, and do good in the world by making your knowledge available to all.

✓ Continue Lifelong Learning
Learn from other doctors' answers to patient questions, and from the collective knowledge of the medical community.

✓ For Free
HealthTap is FREE to all — and that means physicians too!


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