RIM Announces BlackBerry 10 as the next generation platform for BlackBerry devices

Initially, RIM intended to name its upcoming platform BBX, but following a lost legal fight with Basis International, the rights to the name were given to Basis. As a consequence, RIM was unable to use it and was forced to choose a different one. RIM, after announcing the next generation BlackBerry BBX at BlackBerry DevCon was forced to change the name later. Surprisingly, a company named BASIS sought out to sue RIM for trademark infringement for the use of BBX name. The company prevented them using the name as it was parked for a platform. So, RIM with no other option takes advantage in renaming it to BlackBerry 10. RIM announced the next generation platform BlackBerry 10 at BlackBerry DevCon Asia held at Singapore.

At the BlackBerry DevCon Asia, RIM announced the name of their next platform as being the BlackBerry 10. Why did they choose to jump from OS 7 to BlackBerry 10? It's simple, if you look at it as we do: B(lack)B(erry)X(10).

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