Preserve the battery life on your iPhone

Battery life is usually pretty bad on PDA phones. Especially the iPhone.

So here are some tips you can use to preserve your battery life and make the thing last all day +

1. Turn off wifi

- If you don't use the wifi. Turn it off. The constant searching, and attempts to connect can really run down the life of the batter. Wifi uses alot of power. More than people think.

2. Turn off Notifications

- Notifications are those things that your apps use to tell you about new content or messages. Life Facebook for instance. When someone messages you, or posts on your wall, it sends you a notification. Disable all unnecessary notifications, leave enabled the things you use most often.

3. Disable bluetooth.

- Bluetooth uses A LOT of batter to work. It will drain you faster than anything else. So if your not using a bluetooth device. Turn it off.

4. Disable Locations

- Location is another one that uses up a lot of batter power. Most apps use location services. You can either turn off all locations or just turn off the ones that you really don't need.

- By turning them all off. Your Facebook, maps, and other local services won't find you. So you can leave those running if you need them.

- Turn off the ones that don't need to be on.
Follow these tips, disable things that don't need to be running, and watch your batter life improve.

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