Windows Phone Tango devices might follow the Nokia Lumia 900 closely, be announced at MWC

We know the next minor Windows Phone update is to be called Tango, bringing in different screen resolutions and chassis support. In fact, the launch is supposed to usher Windows Phone into the era of entry-level handsets for teens or emerging markets.

In fact, rumor has it that the Tango update is going to follow hot on the heels of the Nokia Lumia 900, after it has had the pleasure to be graced with a $200 million joint marketing campaign by Nokia, Microsoft and carriers.

The alleged release is scheduled for Q2, meaning that we will probably see the announcement of a few Tango-laden handsets at the MWC 2012 expo in Barcelona February. The only thing missing from the picture will be a true high-end with 1080p video recording and HD screen, for which we will probably have to wait the Apollo update in the second half of the year.

ODMs like Compal, to which Nokia outsourced the production of the first two Lumia handsets, are a bit worried that the influx of cheaper Tango handsets will lessen their current healthy ASPs, but we doubt Nokia and Microsoft are too worried about that. Both are apparently stressing on the Nokia Lumia 900 timely appearance, as Nokia took its production in-house, leaving nothing to chance.

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