Nokia Develops Bendable Screens

ricNokia Develops Bendable Screens
Nokia unveiled flexible Kinetic phone prototypes with bendable screens, attempting to wow users with a fun and innovative new device.

Attendees at today's 2011 Nokia World Conference in London got to try out futuristic flex-phones, which let users navigate by bending and twisting the screen to scroll through options and zoom in and out. The Kinetic phones drew smiles and interest from passers-by, who described the elastic phones as "revolutionary" and "mind-blowing."

The devices aren't expected to be on the market anytime soon, since there is no platform integration on them yet and they are currently powered by a hidden computer, but their innovative designs show Nokia continues to be a forward-thinking company.

Nokia is a pioneer when it comes to novel devices that perform unique tasks. Some of their recent creations stand up for incoming calls, for instance, and others use body heat to charge their batteries. The features are fun for people to play with, but may also eventually have practical advantages.

The ability to charge a phone battery with body heat, for example, may come in handy in parts of the world where electricity is spotty, or during a power outage. A flexible screen may make a phone more durable and prevent breakage.

Despite Nokia's crowd-pleasing bendable phones, however, the primary attraction at the London conference is the company's new line of Windows smartphones. Nokia aims to bring itself out of a sales slump with their launch, hoping to regain its place alongside Apple and Google in the market it once dominated through innovative hardware acumen and design.

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